Proces kształtowania nowego modelu relacji pomiędzy Kościołem a państwem w Republice Czeskiej po wyrównaniu majątkowym

Journal Title: Kościół i Prawo - Year 2014, Vol 3, Issue 1


This article analyses the contemporary legal situation of the churches and religious societies position in the Czech Republic, in the context of the newly approved Law No 428/2012 Coll., the property settlement with churches and religious societies of 2012/12/5, which came into effect on 2013/1/1. The process to this law was very difficult and lengthy. The law itself contains a natural restitution and a financial compensation as well. Newly configured model is based on a combination of a law and agreements with individual churches. This model tries to resolve a historic church property and also separate the churches and religious societies financial holding from the state in the future, and enable a churches financial self-sufficiency. Also, the article analyses new specific instruments of the Catholic Church, which are established for the management of its property in the Czech Republic.

Authors and Affiliations

Monika Menke


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How To Cite

Monika Menke (2014). Proces kształtowania nowego modelu relacji pomiędzy Kościołem a państwem w Republice Czeskiej po wyrównaniu majątkowym. Kościół i Prawo, 3(1), 209-225.