The Ways of Punishing Clerics. Episcopal Detentions for Priests – a Case Study of Olomouc Archdiocese in the 19th Century

Journal Title: Kościół i Prawo - Year 2017, Vol 6, Issue 1


The institution of the house of correction for the clergy (also called “priestly prisons”) represented a special institution for priests who were guilty of violating their duty or manners, but also for priests who were ill (physically or psychologically). The priest who was considered to be reformed (corrected) could be released back into pastoral service. Priests located in clerical prisons were not “dangerous criminals”, but rather offenders. The house of correction in Mírov had its own rules: instructions for the dean of Mohelnice (with the duty of visitation), for the chaplain of Mírov (the superior of the house of correction in Mírov), service staff and for the incarcerated priests, of course. These instructions represented very well thought-out regulations. Based on these, we can also picture the functioning of this institution, and outline the fates of the incarcerated priests (depending upon the preserved archival sources).

Authors and Affiliations

Jitka Jonová


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  • EP ID EP180441
  • DOI 10.18290/kip.2017.6.1-14
  • Views 53
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How To Cite

Jitka Jonová (2017). The Ways of Punishing Clerics. Episcopal Detentions for Priests – a Case Study of Olomouc Archdiocese in the 19th Century. Kościół i Prawo, 6(1), 209-225.