Процесуальні критерії (умови) прийнятності конституційної скарги в Україні та деяких зарубіжних країнах (Республіка Польща, ФРН): порівняльно-правове дослідження


The bodies of constitutional justice play an important rolein promotion of human rights in democratic countries, the effectiveness of which dependson those legal instruments that a person canusetoprotec this right sand freedoms. An important place among the guarantees of constitutional legal protection body in the countries of permanent democracy is reserved for the institute of constitutional complaint. It should be noted that such an instrument could not be recently used by Ukrainian citizens, except the Law of Ukraine «On Amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine (on justice)»of June 2, 2016 expanded the list of legal means of protection of the human right sat the national level in the way of providing citizens with direct access to the constitutional justice through the introduction of the institute of an individual constitutional complaint. In this regard, the issue of identifying the characteristics of the national model of this institute and realization of the Comparative analysis of the function of this legal phenomenon in Ukraine and certain foreign countries in order to improve its domestic model is relevant. The article reveals the peculiarities of the criteria (conditions) for the admissibility of constitutional complaints in Ukraine, the Republic of Poland and the Federal Republic of Germany. Attention is given to the study of this institute according to the following criteria: 1) determine the subject of appeal (circles of subjects) 2) the imposition of a deadline with in which a person may appeal to the Court with a constitutional complaint 3) the existence of a final court decisions in the case of the complainant 4) the applicant's other national remedies are exhausted. The authors emphasize the presence of an expanded circle of subjects of the right to a constitutional complaint in the Republic of Poland and the Federal Republic of Germany and, accordingly, a limited number of persons in the domestic model. The necessity of expanding the circle of subjects, who should be able to apply for protection of their constitutional rights with an individual constitutional complaint, is substantiated. The imposition of a deadline for appeal to the body of constitutional justice with an individual constitutional complaint is provided by the legislation of the investigated countries. It is determined that they are different in each of the analyzed legal systems, but their establishment is justified in terms of the principle of legal certainty, which one is an important element of the general theoretical principle of the rule of law. It was founded that one of the conditions for the constitutional complaint to be recognized by the Court as acceptable in all three national models of this institution is the existence of a final court decision in the case. The content of the category "final court decision" must be understood particular whose decision shall be final and without appeal by a judicial procedure in accordance with prescribed authority or the receipt of the complainant of the decision of the highest national judicial body (in Ukraine, the Supreme Court). However, certain sectoral procedural laws may establish certain eligibility criteria for appeals to the cassation instance, and therefore, in all cases, the final decision of the court will be considered the very decision made by the cassation court. It is founded that the choice by the domestic legislator of the "normative model" of a constitutional complaint, which concerns only the possibility of examining the constitutionality of individual appeals of the person of the laws of Ukraine, is fully justified and corresponds to the general tendencies of the development of the national constitutional and legal doctrine, which, however, is not eliminates the need for its revision in the future. The necessity of improving the national model in the aspect of the subject of a constitutional complaint, which should relate to a particular violated right or freedom of a person, is proved. It is proposed to clarify the subject of the constitutional complaint, taking into account that the grounds for applying to the constitutional complaint are violations or the existence of a real threat of violations of fundamental rights or freedoms, and the mandatory element should be the existence of a legal justification for violating a fundamental right or freedom as a result of the application of an unconstitutional law. This requirement should become a peculiar safeguard against abuse and will enable the Court to focus for consideration of the most important issues that will play a significant role in formation of the doctrine of human rights protection and in developing progressive approaches to understanding the substance of contendance of the fundamental rights of the individual.

Authors and Affiliations

I. Schebetun, V. Pyrogov


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  • EP ID EP612736
  • DOI 10.31359/1993-0941-2018-35-120
  • Views 138
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How To Cite

I. Schebetun, V. Pyrogov (2018). Процесуальні критерії (умови) прийнятності конституційної скарги в Україні та деяких зарубіжних країнах (Республіка Польща, ФРН): порівняльно-правове дослідження. Державне будівництво та місцеве самоврядування, 1(35), 120-136. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-612736