Production and distribution of milk by volume and quality and price features
Journal Title: Економіка АПК - Year 2018, Vol 7, Issue
The purpose of the article is to carry out a comparative analysis of the production of self-provision of Ukrainian regions with milk, the dynamics of milk purchase and the impact of sales volumes, quality, and prices on its production efficiency. Research methods. In the research process the following scientific methods have been used: statistical for determination of the particles in aggregate indicators; graphical for classification of regions by the level of self-provision of milk, as well as display dynamics of the milk flow to processing enterprises; grouping for determination of the impact of sales volume and marketing level on the efficiency of milk production; comparative analysis for analysis of average purchasing prices and purchasing prices for milk of different quality in dynamics. Research results. There have been established regions with high, sufficient, and low level of self-provision of milk, changes in the structure of milk supply form of agricultural enterprises and private households to dairy factories. An impact of sales volumes and marketing level of milk in agricultural enterprises on its production efficiency has been substantiated. The average purchasing prices for milk from agricultural enterprises and private households, the dependence of the milk price on its quality, the basic indicators of milk and the level of average milk purchasing prices in the world’s countries by its basis indicators in Ukraine have been analyzed. Elements of scientific novelty. The changes in the structure of production and supply of milk for the processing of agricultural enterprises and private households have been revealed. It has been found that the average monthly prices for milk in Ukraine according to domestic basic indicators are higher in some periods than in other countries of the world. Practical significance. There have been identified regions where the state authorities and local self-government entities need to pay attention to create conditions for solving the problems of self-provision of milk. It has been proved that the efficiency of milk in agricultural enterprises depends on the production scale, volumes of supplies to dairy factories and the quality of sold products. Tabl.: 7. Figs.: 2. Refs.: 10.
Authors and Affiliations
Volodymyr Rossokha, Оleksandr Petrychenko
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