Production and marketing of chicken at kimbibit woreda in north shoa zone, Oromiya region, Ethiopia
Journal Title: Scientific Journal of Veterinary Advances - Year 2013, Vol 2, Issue 8
This study wasconducted to identify the constraints and opportunities of village chicken production in Debsan Tikara Keble at threevillages in Gondar Zuria Woreda by usingsemi structured questionnaire , fieldvisit and interview from 150 randomly selected respondents.The result revealed that the main constraints were feed shortage (28%),predation (30%) and flock mortality (28%). Almost 58% of chickens share thesame room with the main house. The farmers use traditional medicine to treatchickens (82%). Average age of first egg lying of chicken was 6 months, numberof eggs per clutch was 13, the clutch size was 3 and hatchability percentagewas 72%. The main opportunities for village chicken production was marketaccess 36%, credit service 28%, training and extension service 16%, feed and water access 20%. From this study,constraints and opportunities of village chicken production was merelyidentified based on this result by improving the management practice, poultrybreeds and educating the framers are viable options to improve the livelihoodof the households.
Authors and Affiliations
M. B. Yitbarek| Department of Animal Science, Debre Markos University, Ethiopia., S. T. Gurumu| Adadi Falle Kebele, Kimbibit Woreda,North Shoa Zone, Oromiya Region, Ethiopia.
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