Productive energy of thinking in the creation of cognition and activity

Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 3


Each culture produces its types of communication, which involves new forms of thinking. Thinking is a way of getting knowledge based on analysis and practical research; it is a condition for the cognition of reality and the realization of abilities of the individual. The activity of thinking changes the perception of the habitat, at the same time creates another, different from the ordinary, world. Thinking does not belong to the theory of cognition, but precedes it, creates the possibility of obtaining knowledge. In the cognitive sense, the productive activity of thinking is the process of subject-object interaction. Today, the author points out, the necessary condition for real, productive thinking is the work of man over himself, aimed at creating his own personality. Thinking, as a functioning logic is a permanent and decisive factor of experience, manages the process of obtaining knowledge. The common field of thinking and knowledge points to their comparison as two forms of intellectual activity and how they interact.

Authors and Affiliations

Maksym Halchenko


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How To Cite

Maksym Halchenko (2017). Productive energy of thinking in the creation of cognition and activity. Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac, 0(3), 120-129.