Profesjonalizm nauczyciela/wychowawcy — oczekiwania przyszłych pedagogów

Journal Title: Pedagogika Przedszkolna i Wczesnoszkolna - Year 2018, Vol 12, Issue 2


Professionalism of Teacher/Tutor — Expectations of Future Educationists The text generally focuses on the results of the study which investigated expectations of future educationists concerning professional qualifications and competences of teachers and tutors working in early primary education. At the start the article discusses selected theoretical aspects of the problems in question, and then presents the procedure adopted for this specific study. Of key importance here is the analysis of the present findings. The text ends with conclusions from the present findings and with a summary.

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How To Cite

Ewa TŁUCZEK-TADLA (2018). Profesjonalizm nauczyciela/wychowawcy — oczekiwania przyszłych pedagogów. Pedagogika Przedszkolna i Wczesnoszkolna, 12(2), 395-403.