Professor Zofia Knychalska-Karwan (1922-2016) – IN MEMORIAM
Journal Title: Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne) - Year 2016, Vol 69, Issue 4
The usual phrase that on the 28th of July 2016 Professor Zofia Knychalska-Karwan passed away in Her case has a truly literal bearing. Each one of us – Her former students, patients and colleagues – has realized that we have lost a person who was with us for decades – a teacher, colleague or superior. In other words someone so very important in our life, in the professional sense and for many of us profoundly personal
Authors and Affiliations
Stanisław Majewski
Evaluation of using an intraoral mouthguard by a patient with systemic disease epilepsy – clinical case
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Caries intensity in 12-year-old children as related to hygienic and dietary habits
Introduction. Four factors are responsible for the development of the carious process: bacteria, carbohydrates, susceptibility of tissues to caries, and time in which they coexist. The health care system and its availabi...