Profile of Livestock Production in Thal Desert of Pakistan


In Pakistan, since the introduction of Green Revolution technologies, the crop sector has earned relatively more attention of the policy makers and agricultural development practitioners than the livestock sector. Despite that the relative share of livestock sector in total agricultural GDP kept on silently increasing almost regularly. In the rural areas, livestock is considered as a more secure source of income for the small farmers and landless poor. Similarly, a consideration proportion of rural households in desert ecologies especially Thal desert at drawing their livelihood from livestock farming. Therefore the present study is intended to examine the livestock profile of the area with regards to the herd size. The results of the study reveal that the normal herd size was almost 17 standard animal units. The important objectives of livestock farming were to meet with the milk consumption, and sale of animals. Natural breeding was more common than artificial breeding method. In general the large group of livestock holders was rich as compared to the other groups in producing and sale of milk and livestock related products whereas small group of herders were observed poorest than middle and large livestock holders. The lack of credit facilities to livestock holders and their involvement in the commercialization of livestock production were limited. Disease diagnosis and first aid, improving crops and fodder production were the large areas regarding training requirement while provision of electricity and schools were primary necessities of livestock holders of the people. The development of infrastructure and institutional credit facilities and trainings should be provided to the farmers. It is also suggested that the genetic potential of livestock breeds, artificial insemination and services of good breed of sires should be popularized. The development planers and practitioners of the area should award due consideration to the problems of small sized farmers and herders and need to design regulatory framework for milk and livestock marketing systems.

Authors and Affiliations

Ijlal Hussain


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  • EP ID EP604811
  • DOI 10.6007/IJARBSS/v7-i3/2751
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How To Cite

Ijlal Hussain (2017). Profile of Livestock Production in Thal Desert of Pakistan. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 7(3), 480-494.