Profile of Medico-Legal Cases in Casualty of a Tertiary Care Hospital in Hilly City Of Himachal Pradesh
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 10
Abstract: Profiling of Medico legal cases is an integral aspect for the prevention of preventable causalities in future and to study the crime rate in area. The present study attempts to highlight the pattern and profile of medico-legal cases presenting in casualty department of Indira Gandhi Medical College,Shimla.The present study is a retrospective study conducted for a period of one year from 1st Jan 2014 to 31st Dec 2014 in which all the 892 medico-legal cases reported to the Casualty department of Indira Gandhi Medical College and Hospital, Shimla , Himachal Pradesh were studied. Data regarding socio-demographic profile, types, mode and time of injury was collected from medico-legal register. The collected data were analyzed and proportions as well as percentages were calculated for relevant variables.Out of 892 cases reported 699 (78%) were males and 193 (22%) were females. Majority of victims (38.7%) were from age group 21 – 30 years and 582 (65.25 %) belonged to urban areas. Road traffic accidents constituted 39.7%, alcohol intake 21.9%, Assault 18.4% followed by poisoning in 8.85 % of cases. Maximum number of victims (42.5%) attended to the casualty between 6 p.m. to 12 a.m. Majority of the medico-legal cases were accidental (69%) in nature followed by assault/homicidal in (21.5%) and suicidal (9.5 %).The present study showed that the maximum number of medico-legal cases is accidental in nature, seen among young male individuals and in urban inhabitants. This study shows the importance of medico-legal responsibilities like examination, proper documentation and certification of medico-legal cases. Keywords:Profile, Medico Legal Cases, Casualty Department, Shimla, Accidental.
Authors and Affiliations
Vimal Bharti, Aashish chaudhary, Simar jot
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