Prophylaxis of pneumococcal infections in children – significance of vaccinology education of nurses

Journal Title: Pielęgniarstwo XXI wieku - Year 2014, Vol 13, Issue 3


Aim. Discussing selected aspects of Pneumococcal infections in children with respect to implications for nursing vaccinology education. Material and method. A review of Polish (of 1991-2013) and foreign (of 2009-2013) medical literature containing epidemiological and clinical data concerning Pneumococcal infections as well as their prophylaxis in children. Results. The United States and Canada appear to have gained the most experience in the practical use of the Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. Since the year 2000 this vaccine has been included in the obligatory vaccination programme, which has resulted in statistically significant reduction in the number of young children affected with invasive Pneumococcal infections (by 81.6% in Canada). This seems to confirm the need for immunization. The conjugate vaccine is extremely effective in the prophylaxis of Pneumococcal infections in children younger than two years, enhances population resistance through restriction of Pneumococci transmission and decreases the activity of multiresistant strains. Conclusions: 1. Streptococcus pneumoniae are responsible for high rates of morbidity and mortality in children. 2. Owing to application of conjugate vaccines against Pneumococci and herd immunity, the incidence of infections induced by Streptococcus pneumoniae has decreased substantially both in vaccinated children and non-vaccinated people. 3. Pneumococcal infections have a significant effect on the children`s further correct development, therefore, the personnel of paediatric clinics, including nurses, should promote vaccination and provide vaccination services.

Authors and Affiliations

Anna Bednarek


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How To Cite

Anna Bednarek (2014). Prophylaxis of pneumococcal infections in children – significance of vaccinology education of nurses. Pielęgniarstwo XXI wieku, 13(3), 43-48.