Proposal to use the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method to evaluate the benefits and costs of organizing Euro 2012 in Poland
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2011, Vol 21, Issue 53
[b]The aim of the work.[/b] Assessment of the costs and losses of organizing Euro 2012 in relation to the key findings of Report on the impact of preparation and organization of the UEFA European Football Championship EURO 2012 ™ and the Polish Economy [2].[b]Methods.[/b] Invented by T.L. Saaty Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Method [4 –10] applied to verify the hypothesis about higher benefit than losses arising from the organization of high-level international competitions in Poland.[b]Results.[/b] It is recommended to use above-mentioned method to study various aspects of contemporary professional sports because of its objectivity and comparability of results, which are similar to those obtained with the help of quantitative methods. As the most important benefits Polish respondents considered the development of infrastructure (construction of roads and highways, construction of sports fields and stadiums with facilities) as well as the promotion of Poland (promotion of the country and attractive tourist destinations etc.). The largest expenditure incurred by Poland – to build roads and highways and to develop tourism infrastructure.[b]Conclusions.[/b] The effects of putting into practice the Analytic Hierarchy Process Method (AHP), based on strong fundamentals of mathematical and cognitive psychology, have proved that it is useful to develop costbenefit assessment of the organization of Euro 2012. It is recommended to use this method to study various aspects of contemporary professional sports, in connection with the objectivity of results, which are comparable to data obtained with the use of quantitative methods.
Authors and Affiliations
Wiktor Adamus, Józef Bergier, Edward Mleczko
Efektywność współdziałania w grach zespołowych (pragmatyczne stadium indywidualnych przypadków)
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