Prospective Study of Adult Onset Seizure
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) - Year 2017, Vol 16, Issue 4
Background: Seizures are paroxysmal events due to abnormal excessive neuronal activity of the brain manifesting in varying clinical spectrum of focal or generalized seizures. In adults onset seizures the etiologies could be CNS infections, CVA, metabolic-factors, brain tumors and many other factors. Thus the objective of this study was to elaborate various clinical types of adult onset seizures with various etiological factors specially in adult age group. Material and methods: After obtaining ethical approval from institute committee, The participants were recruited from outdoor as well indoor services in department of medicine with onset of seizures at the age of 20 years and above. Total 100 cases were included in this study. The date ware collected on a specially designed proforma of multiple questionnaires with detailed physical examination and relevant investigations. Results: There were total 100 cases (M 57, F 43) of adult onset seizures in this study. Majority of patients were with age group of 21-30 years (51%) and with further advancing age the incidence of onset of seizures was in decreasing order. Out of total cases, the 69 (69%) cases were of GTCS (M 42, F 27) and remaining cases of SPS, CPS, PSSG & status epilepticus. 85% of all cases had some etiological factor & 15% were of idiopathic group. Among etiologic groups the maximum cases were of neurological infections (n 36), CVA (n 23), metabolic case (n 7), tumor (n 5), OPC poisoning ((n 4), eclampsia (n 3) & miscellaneous (n 7), The incidence of neuro infections was more in males while CVA's were more in females. The neuroimaging study was abnormal in 75 of the cases (65.22% if cases of GTCS and 100% of cases of focal seizures) while EEG was found abnormal 30.43% cases of GTCS while the overall abnormality was only in 35 cases (35%). Conclusion: with advanced neuroimaging technique the etiological factors could be detected in maximum number of cases to help in precise management & better prognosis.
Authors and Affiliations
HP Paliwal, Vinayak Kalla, Diwanshu Khatana, S Capoor
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