Protection And Promotion of Educational And Employment Rights of Disabled in Odisha – A Human Rights Quest
Journal Title: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention - Year 2017, Vol 6, Issue 9
Disabled people in India as well as in Odisha share the contour of the general poor, but in fact they experience poverty more intensely and have lesser opportunities to getaway poverty than the non-disabled. Society views them as victims requiring charitable assistance rather than the equal citizens with potential. They largely remain trapped in a vicious circle of poverty and social exclusion. Underestimated and undervalued by others, they begin to doubt their own abilities, and the image of the disabled person as a passive victim becomes a self-fulfilling prediction. They are the most disadvantaged group among the disadvantaged. To give a real picture to their four core values of human rights law in context to disability, protection and promotion of education and employment rights of disabled people is very much essential in Odisha as well as in India. As per an estimate of WHO, 10% of the world’s population suffers from one or other disabilities and almost one fifth of the disabled person of the world lives in India. According to Census 2001, nearly 5% of people in India are affected with impairment or disability and there are 10.21 lakh disabled people live in Orissa.They are the world’s largest minority. International Declarations, National Constitutional and statutory provisions and judiciary strictures are tries to protect the rights of education and employment of disabled people but yet they have not able to fulfill that so far as the response to implement of the same is concerned. Under this back ground the present paper tries to analyse the status of disabled people in India as well as in odisha and tries to recognize their right to education and employment in the every sphere of education and employment in Odisha as well as in India in the context of human rights
Authors and Affiliations
Mr. Himansu Sekhar Panda
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