
Автор публікації розкриває процес протистояння академічній художній системі з боку передвижників і кубофутуристів у контексті соціокультурних, науково-технічних змін другої половини ХІХ – початку ХХ століття. У статті на основі першоджерел показано етапи руйнування академічної системи в Російській імперії. Перший етап – ініційований художниками-передвижниками, другий, радикальний етап – кубофутуристами. The author of the publication reveals the process of confrontation with the academic artistic system. Creativity of artists is considered within the context of the era. The article researches the formation of modernism of art in the Russian Empire. The protest against the academic system covered all the artistic centres of Europe. It was an objective and a natural phenomenon of culture. The destruction of the academic model is due to many common factors (the formation of mass culture and a new artistic market, the development of photography, printing, etc.). There were also other factors. These are the problems of social and political life. They are reflected in painting. The article, on the basis of primary sources, shows the stages of the destruction of academicism in the Russian Empire. The first stage – initiated by the Peredvizhniki artists, the second radical stage – by the Cubofuturists. The protest in the artistic practice is a form of struggle for the freedom of creativity primarily. Classical art was accused, primarily, of conservatism. It was time of revolution, the implementation of reforms and social change. There have been significant changes in the socio-economic, political, and technical fields. They have significantly influenced the further development of art. The protest took place in 1863 at the St. Petersburg’s Academy of Arts. It showed a public protest against the bureaucratic empire. The protests against the system were predominantly collective in nature and went on throughout Europe. The artists in the 19th century offered an alternative to the development of painting. They defended their own creative style. They did not criticize the academic art. Peredvizhniki were the first ones to oppose the system. They were predecessors of the Futurists. At the beginning of the 20th century, the protest against the academic art intensified. Art becomes the document of the era (D. Burliuk «Love and Peace» (1914), «Revolution» (1917), O. Bogomazov «Funeral» (1912)). The portrait genre became irrelevant. The Futurists depicted movement, speed (O. Bogomazov «Tram» (1914), O. Exterior «Colour Dynamics» (1914), «City at Night» (1919) and others). The artists depicted a person in the process (K. Malevich «Gathering Rye» (1912), O. Bogomazov «The Harvester» (1913), «Monter» (1915), etc.). The creativity in futurist is learned through their practices. The features of technological development came to the fore aiming at an upgrade that affected the artistic priorities. Radical statements about the break with the past have been reflected not only in the works of the artists, but also in the manifestos, where the notes of protest sound reasonably.

Authors and Affiliations

Анна Анатоліївна Білик


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How To Cite

Анна Анатоліївна Білик (2018). ПРОТЕСТ ПРОТИ АКАДЕМІЗМУ У ХУДОЖНІЙ ПРАКТИЦІ ПЕРЕДВИЖНИКІВ І КУБОФУТУРИСТІВ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія, 8(15), 24-28. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-551808