Journal Title: Scientific Work - Year 2023, Vol 17, Issue 9
Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic caused a global crisis of an unprecedented scale. In order to contain the spread of the virus, governments took instant measures, adopting new legal regulations which included restrictions and limitations in the sphere of constitutional rights and freedoms. While during the first phase of the pandemic societies accepted the new rules governing their life with understanding, the level of trust in authorities decreased with time. The growing tensions were conducive to social unrest. A number of studies have been conducted recently to examine the consequences of the pandemic, not only health related, but also those in the social, economic, political and constitutional spheres. The research problem of this paper concerns the assessment of the forms of protest used by demonstrators’ and the operational methods of the police in the conditions of social disorder caused by pandemic restrictions. The aim of the paper is to discuss protesters’ actions and their different forms, and to analyse the response of law enforcement officers who secured demonstrations. I undertook to find the answers to two fundamental research questions: What action did protesters take during the pandemic in Lithuania? What was the character and intensity of the surveillance, intimidation and presence of the police during demonstrations? The research covers the period from 11 March 2020, when the World Health Organization declared the pandemic, to the autumn of 2021, when anti-vaccine protests took place in Lithuania. In the study, I applied the institutional and legal analysis, as well as the qualitative source analysis. I used the contents analysis technique, first of all, messages and announcements concerning the behaviour of protesters, as well as of uniformed services in the indicated period. The article draws on three kinds of sources – local, national and international media reports during the lockdown period. Additionally, I analysed information found on websites, webinars, online publications and social media.
Authors and Affiliations
Joanna Marszałek-Kawa
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