Provision of natural resources for innovation-based development in the agrarian sector of the economy


The article evaluates the provision of natural resources for innovation-based development in the agrarian sector of the economy. The issues of regional concentration of agricultural land and improvement of land management are considered. A system of provision and use of natural resources in the process of sustainable and innovation-based agricultural production is developed and rationalized. A need for sustainable use and protection of the biological system is justified, taking into account the transition of the economy towards innovation-driven growth, introduction of new approaches to economic management and integrated approaches to solving ecological and economic problems. Based on the needs of food and ecological security which are necessary for the national security, a set of priorities for environmental management within ecological and innovation-based development of the agrarian sector of the economy is formulated. Natural resources potential is viewed with consideration of interrelationship and interdependency of all its elements. In order to ensure the effectiveness of environmental measures, the relevance of specificity of formation and use of natural resources at the regional level is underlined. The proposed system of use of natural resources takes into account not only social needs of the society but also environmental ones and appreciates the importance of reducing negative impact on the environment and minimizing ecological risks through the use of innovative technologies in agricultural industry and an effective system of liability for environmental violations. It is proved that ecosystem stability can be achieved, provided that theoretically grounded environmental measures are introduced for effective natural resources management. With this aim, the article establishes the importance of reviewing the concept of agricultural production under conditions of the existing conflict between economic growth and environmental security. The paper creates an environmental concept of innovation-based development of agricultural production which will be able to support a strategic national agricultural policy and ensure a harmonious growth of productive forces in agro-industry. The concept includes steps towards implementation of the tasks in the following ways: promotion of environmental management at various levels of governance; satisfaction of material, cultural and spiritual needs of human activities with respect to preservation and replenishment of the environment; creation of an effective organizational and economic mechanism for innovation-based sustainability with subsequent maintenance of agrarian resources of the environment and a balanced combination of public production with the real state of the environment; increase of budget expenditures on restoration of natural resources.

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How To Cite

Borys POHRISHCHUK, Halyna POHRISHCHUK (2016). Provision of natural resources for innovation-based development in the agrarian sector of the economy. Visnyk Ternopilskoho natsionalnoho ekonomichnoho universytetu, 4(), 7-17.