Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome and Antidepressant Drug Use

Journal Title: TÜRK OFTALMOLOJİ DERGİSİ - Year 2019, Vol 49, Issue 1


Objectives: To investigate the relationship between pseudoexfoliation syndrome (PES) and the use of antidepressant medications. Materials and Methods: This population-based, cross-sectional study included 2,017 of 2,356 invited subjects who were randomly selected from the Turkish Statistical Institute database ( as part of an epidemiologic study which specifically aimed to detect the prevalence of PES in the province of Eskişehir. During the examination, a detailed questionnaire was administered to determine physician-diagnosed systemic disease and drug use. Results: Eight of the 2,017 participants in the study were excluded for various reasons (2 with posterior synechiae, 2 with corneal opacity, 1 uncooperative patient, 1 eviscerated patient, 1 with active adenoviral keratoconjunctivitis, and 1 with a history of angle closure). PES was detected in 100 (5%) of the 2,009 patients whose data were analyzed. The percentage of subjects with concurrent antidepressant drug use in the PES and non-PES non-glaucoma groups were 4.1% (n=3) and 1.1% (n=21), respectively. The difference between the two groups was statistically significant (p=0.024). In addition, the use of medications for hypertension (p<0.001) and coronary artery disease (p=0.009) was also higher in the PES group. Conclusion: The higher prevalence of antidepressant drug use in patients with PES may be related to the processes of vascular damage and inflammation common to the pathogenesis of both PES and depression, as well as the high rate of chronic systemic comorbidities in these patients.

Authors and Affiliations

Erdoğan Yaşar, Nilgün Yıldırım, Eray Atalay


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  • EP ID EP551111
  • DOI 10.4274/tjo.galenos.2018.06887
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How To Cite

Erdoğan Yaşar, Nilgün Yıldırım, Eray Atalay (2019). Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome and Antidepressant Drug Use. TÜRK OFTALMOLOJİ DERGİSİ, 49(1), 1-5.