Psychological factors in the course of gastroesophageal reflux disease and irritable bowel syndrome
Journal Title: Gastroenterologia Polska - Year 2008, Vol 15, Issue 4
Introduction: Diseases of the digestive system are still a serious therapeutic problem due to their frequency and problems associated with their treatment. Psychosomatic studies indicate that psychological factors play an important role in the development, clinical course and treatment of these disorders. Aim of study: The presented objective was finding the answer to the question: Are there any differences in the intensity of selected psychological variables between patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)? Moreover, the authors evaluated the influence of selected psychological factors on the course of these diseases. Material and methods: 45 patients were enrolled in the study, 21 with diagnosed IBS and 24 with diagnosed GERD. Among studied variables there were the following psychological aspects: stress and styles of coping with stress, anxiety as a currently experienced condition and as permanent personality feature and selected aspects of emotional control. The following methods were used: a medical questionnaire developed by the authors and 4 standardised psychological tests: S. Cohen's Perceived Stress Scal, Moos' Questionnaire of Coping with Stress Situation, J. Brzeziński's Control of Emotions Questionnaire and Spielberger's Self-evaluation questionnaire (Inventory of Anxiety as a State and as a Feature). Results: Studied patients were not statistically different in terms of selected psychological aspects. However, analyzed psychological variables coexisted with the intensity of selected somatic ailments in IBS and in GERD. Conclusions: Both diseases are strongly associated with the functioning of the nervous system and with mental sphere of every man. Analyzed psychological factors do not differentiate examined diseases of the digestive tract and therefore may confirm the hypothesis that stress is a non-specific reaction of an organism.
Authors and Affiliations
Agata Orzechowska, Adam Wysokiński, Monika Talarowska, Krzysztof Zboralski, Wojciech Gruszczyński
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