Psychological problems in rheumatic diseases

Journal Title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych - Year 2012, Vol 25, Issue 2


Rheumatic diseases affect adult as well as younger patients. Unpredictability of the disease and gradual deterioration of health status give an emotional burden both to a patient and his familly.<br>The stress of a chronic disease the etiology of which still remains uncertain may be considered as a motivation to struggle against the new and difficult situation ie. a disease (eustress) or as a factor which overloads the emotional capacity of a patient and paralizes any rational behaviour (distress).<br>In relation to the concept of stress management (coping), attention was paid to the mechanism of the vicious circle as stress may accelerate the disease onset or exacerbate its course and, in contrary, the disease becomes a source of stress. To stop this circle is a challenge for a psychologist and/or psychotherapist. The complex care of a rheumatic patient includes close cooperation between a psychologist and a rheumatologist. The detailed medical history completed by questionnaire studies enables one to choose an adequate model of support or psychotherapy. The short review of psychotherapeutic methods presented in this article introduces a reader into the psychotherapeutic workshop. The psychological support and/or psychotherapy helps a patient to cope with the chronic disease and to adapt to it. The disease acceptance and acceptance of subsequent disability forms a process which, when finished, allows a patient to maintain psychological health.

Authors and Affiliations

Ida Dobrucka-Janeczek, Anna Jędryka-Góral


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Ida Dobrucka-Janeczek, Anna Jędryka-Góral (2012). Psychological problems in rheumatic diseases. Postępy Nauk Medycznych, 25(2), -.