Psychometric properties and validation of the Polish translation of the Integrative Self-Knowledge Scale

Journal Title: Polskie Forum Psychologiczne - Year 2016, Vol 21, Issue 3


The Integrative Self-Knowledge Scale (ISK), assessing an individual's tendency to engage in a cognitive process of uniting self-experience across time, was translated into Polish. The first part of the article presents the psychometric evaluation of the Polish version. A three-factor structure was shown by both exploratory and confirmatory factorial analyses. Reliability analysis provided evidence for internal consistency in terms of Cronbach's a and item-total correlations. The second part of the paper reports further evidence of construct Validity. Correlation and regression analyses revealed, as expected, that ISK was positively associated to the indicators of a coherent sense of self (i.e., a strong sense of identity and role interrelatedness) and active cognitive processing (i.e., need for cognition and reflection), and negatively related to self-concept differentiation. These findings suggest a successful translation of the original scale.

Authors and Affiliations

Aleksandra Pilarska


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  • EP ID EP258021
  • DOI 10.14656/PFP20160304
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How To Cite

Aleksandra Pilarska (2016). Psychometric properties and validation of the Polish translation of the Integrative Self-Knowledge Scale. Polskie Forum Psychologiczne, 21(3), 378-393.