Relacje z dziadkami a subiektywna ocena jakości życia ich wnuków w rodzinach o różnej strukturze

Journal Title: Polskie Forum Psychologiczne - Year 2016, Vol 21, Issue 1


The article presents the results of research carried out among students, on inter-relationships between young people and grandparents, and the impact of these compounds on the quality of life of respondents from families with full or conducted by single mothers. The hypotheses were expected to assess the relationship grandparents-grandchildren, in dimensions frequency and proximity, they shall be differentiated by family structure and line of re-lationship with their grandparents. The results of measurements carried out in the group (N = 196), not only they are confirmed, but also showed significant differences in evaluations determined by gender of grandparents and period of grandchildren’s life(including adolescent phase). It was also found that family structure significantly differentiates the subjective assessment of quality of youth life, and this situations are expressed by their opinions on the relationship with grandparents. The frequency of contacts with their grandchildren grandparents showed a significant association with the proximity of relationship, regardless of the lifetime of the respondents. At the same time the values of correlation coefficients between the frequency of evaluation of the relationship with the grandmother and grandfather, from mother, decrease with grandchildren’s growing up. The opposite trend can be seen in relation to the ratings of this compound expressed by both his grandparents from father site, for whom these values clearly increase with the passage of time, regardless of family structure.

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  • EP ID EP250877
  • DOI 10.14656/PFP20160101
  • Views 72
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How To Cite

ELŻBIETA NAPORA (2016). Relacje z dziadkami a subiektywna ocena jakości życia ich wnuków w rodzinach o różnej strukturze. Polskie Forum Psychologiczne, 21(1), 5-22.