Public management – some aspects of the exploration of knowledge and its application
Journal Title: International Journal of Contemporary Management - Year 2012, Vol 11, Issue 4
In theory and practice – there is debate on the place of public management in science and socio-economic life. Its role is often underestimated in the context of changing management paradigms. Development makes issues of public management as an area of scientific research and its possible uses in socio-economic life. It draws attention to public management from the perspective of its research, concepts, research methods, models, applications, and educational directions. The study sample was taken to confirm that public management tends to be constituted as a sub-field of science.One of the possible areas of exploration for expertise in public management may be the concept of Public Governance (PG). Public Governance is a dynamic concept of managing public organizations. It refers to the New Public Management (NPM), especially in the treatment of citizens as customers, and in the pursuit of „social profit maximization”. Public Governance refers to the The New Governance and draws attention to the greater community in the functioning of public authorities.Taking into consideration the fact that public management does not allow us to look from different points of view. Among them it may be the prospect of using it in public administration within the context of public-private partnerships in scientific research as well as in applications. Attempts to describe public management can be contributed to the revalorization and perception in the context of management science.
Authors and Affiliations
Tomasz Papaj
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