Public Situation of People with Disabilities in the Opinions of Employees of Public Sphere Institutions and Non-governmental Organizations

Journal Title: Niepełnosprawność - zagadnienia, problemy, rozwiązania - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 27


In Poland, a large group of citizens are people with disabilities. In the public realm they normally act as clients of various institutions – the panels, relief, rehabilitation. Their subjective perception of their own situation depends on many factors and it can not be generalized. Employees of these institutions are usually professionally trained to work with people with disabilities and with their families. Their opinion about the situation of people with disabilities is important because of the objectivity and genuine knowledge of the problems and barriers of that group. The results of surveys of professionals on the situation of people with disabilities were presented in the context of social exclusion and related to the organization of local government.

Authors and Affiliations

Ilona Fajfer-Kruczek


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How To Cite

Ilona Fajfer-Kruczek (2018). Public Situation of People with Disabilities in the Opinions of Employees of Public Sphere Institutions and Non-governmental Organizations. Niepełnosprawność - zagadnienia, problemy, rozwiązania, 0(27), 19-34.