Purchase Decision Model: Analysis of Brand Image, Brand Awareness and Price (Case Study SMECO Indonesia SME products)
Journal Title: Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences - Year 2017, Vol 2, Issue 6
Abstract: This study aimed to determine the effect of brand image, brand awareness and price on purchasing decisions of products of SMEs in SMESCO Indonesia. Population in this study as many as 1340 people using Slovin’s formula, then got the sample of research as many as 93 consumers. The result of descriptive statistical analysis shows that respondents who answered agree on the indicators of research variables are very high and the results of multiple regression analysis yields multiple linear regression equation Y = 9.430 + 0.227 X1 + 0.278 X2 + 0.376 X3. Based on the results of the analysis showed that the variables of brand image, brand awareness and price influence the purchasing decisions of products of SMEs in SMESCO Indonesia. Based on calculations using SPSS showed that the adjusted R Square of 94.5% variable on purchase decisions are influenced by brand image, brand awareness and price while the remaining 5.5% is influenced by other variables. Based on these results, it turns out the factors of bra nd image, brand awareness and price can have a positive impact on purchasing decisions SME products from consumers SMESCO Indonesia so as to achieve the purpose of the company's success. Keywords: Purchase Decision, Brand Image, Brand Awareness, Price.
Authors and Affiliations
Hafizh Novansa, Hapzi Ali
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