QT prolongation due to targeted anticancer therapy
Journal Title: OncoReview - Year 2016, Vol 6, Issue 3
A growing number of targeted anticancer agents has shown the unexpected ability to induce QT interval prolongation. In addition, standard chemotherapeutics and a variety of conditions such as electrolyte abnormalities, endocrine disorders, cardiac diseases, nutritional disturbances and other factors may be associated with long QT syndrome in cancer patients. Prolongation of the QT interval can lead to life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias, including ‘torsade de pointes’ (TdP). The association between long QT interval and ventricular arrhythmias remains the subject of many controversies.The QT interval represents the time interval of both ventricular depolarization and repolarization. Not only abnormalities of ion channels, but also changes in the myocardial microarchitecture and other factors and disorders frequently seen in cancer patients may participate in its prolongation and potential risk of ventricular arrhythmias.The aim of this review was to summarize current knowledge about QT prolongation in cancer patients with the special focus on targeted therapy.
Authors and Affiliations
Lucia Setteyova, Ljuba Bacharova, Beata Mladosievicova
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