Quality of Food and Tourists’ Satisfaction of Penang Delicacies in Predicting Tourists’ Revisit Intention


Penang foods become one of the attractions for the foreign tourists to visit Penang. This study focuses on the relationship between quality and tourists’ satisfaction of Penang delicacies and revisit intention among foreign tourists. 82% response rate or a total of 328 questionnaires were completed by international tourists who visited Penang Island. The results revealed a positive relationship between quality, tourists’ satisfaction and revisit intention (R2=0.32, F Change=68.35, p<0.01**). This study contributes to the literature on the relationship between quality, satisfaction and revisit intention. From the practical perspectives, Penang Tourism Board and local authorities could use this finding as a means of enhancing the quality of Penang foods, hence attracting more tourists to visit this paradise island. Furthermore, business organizations and marketers could spend more resources on advertising Penang food, culture and ethnic events and community interactions. This study will also provide food managers more information on food quality, thus understanding international customer needs and wants.

Authors and Affiliations

Y. Atikahambar, A. Zainal, M. Rahayu, Rahayu Mokhtar


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  • DOI 10.6007/IJARBSS/v8-i12/5262
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How To Cite

Y. Atikahambar, A. Zainal, M. Rahayu, Rahayu Mokhtar (2018). Quality of Food and Tourists’ Satisfaction of Penang Delicacies in Predicting Tourists’ Revisit Intention. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(12), 1606-1618. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-594523