Quality of life in oncology and quality of life in course of molecularly targeted therapy in patients diagnosed with metastatic renal-cell carcinoma
Journal Title: OncoReview - Year 2011, Vol 1, Issue 4
Introduction of molecularly targeted agents into clinical practice has led to marked progress in pharmacotherapy of advanced renal cell carcinoma. There have been six drugs of the therapeutic class registered to date. Further registration is expected next year. Targeted therapy proved to prolong time to disease progression of renal cell cancer. If administered sequentially they prolong overall survival as well. The treatment usually tends to last. The disease gains status of chronic illness. Molecular predictive factors are not available and decisions regarding specific therapeutic choices are based on clinical factors. Due to all aforementioned the toxicity profile and related quality of life should be of special interest. The article is the discussion of methodology of quality of life clinical trials, the data collection, data analysis and review of current knowledge regarding this issue in context of treatment of renal cell carcinoma based on molecularly targeted therapy.
Authors and Affiliations
Jakub Żołnierek, Piotr Wysocki
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