Quality of life in patients diagnosed with unipolar affective disorder in depression phase in remission
Journal Title: Pielęgniarstwo XXI wieku - Year 2012, Vol 11, Issue 4
Introduction. Depression is one of the so-called affective disorders, i.e. diseases associated with the mood – manifested by: feelings of sadness, apathy, inability to experience pleasure and take pleasure in anything. Other important manifestations are inactivity, the loss of interests, reluctance to establish relationships with other people. Due to frequent persistence of depression symptoms there are changes in all areas of quality of life, which in turn hinders the process of psychiatric rehabilitation and maintenance of the status of remission. Aim. The aim of this study was to assess the quality of life of patients diagnosed with unipolar affective disorder in depression phase in remission as well as the severity of depressive disorders in subjects. Material and methods. Examinations were conducted at the Psychiatry Clinic for Adults in Cracow and included 105 patients. As the research tool a Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) was used which serves for the assessment of the severity of depression symptoms. In addition, the abridged version of the questionnaire assessing the quality of life– WHOQOL – BREFF was used. Results and conclusions. Examinations confirmed that amongst patients with diagnosed unipolar affective disorders in the period of the remission, all degrees of severity of depression are stated. Depression, despair and fear are negative emotions which in the considerable way influence the quality of life, social relations and satisfaction.
Authors and Affiliations
Beata Ogórek-Tęcza, Małgorzata Sulisz, Alicja Kamińska
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