Quality of Life of Persons With Physical Disability Who are Involved in Sports Activities

Journal Title: Jaunųjų mokslininkų darbai - Year 2010, Vol 29, Issue 4


In the empirical part of this work the influence of the applied physical and sports activities for the disabled persons in the aspect of psychosocial functions has been analyzed. The main findings of the empirical research are the following: Respondents having the physical disability and involved in the sports activities feel the higher satisfaction in their life than those who are not. Physically active respondents evaluates their mental health more favorably; moreover, the indices of stress making factors are lower among those who are involved in sports activities than those who are not. The approach towards their disability is visibly more favorable of the disabled involved in sports activities than those who are not. The disabled occupied themselves in physical and sports activities are more self-confident, even in such situations with unfavorable conditions. The quality of life of persons with physical disability and their approach towards their disability is better among the disabled who are involved in sports activities than among those who are not, was approved.

Authors and Affiliations

Marius Ivanauskas, Daiva Mockevičienė, Jūra Vaitkevičius, Lina Miliūnienė


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How To Cite

Marius Ivanauskas, Daiva Mockevičienė, Jūra Vaitkevičius, Lina Miliūnienė (2010). Quality of Life of Persons With Physical Disability Who are Involved in Sports Activities. Jaunųjų mokslininkų darbai, 29(4), 103-110. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-124209