Quality of meat and bacon of signs of swine breeds of landrace of different status and genotype


Livestock breeding has a number of technological features. They are related to the specific properties of the object of cultivation – animals. In order to obtain high-quality animals, high-quality products must take into account their genetic features. For example, in pigs, the quality of meat, fat, smoked pork deter-mines the breed of animals, their sex, age and the direction of cultivation. Therefore, the study of the impact of sex and genotype on the productivity of pigs is relevant and practically valuable. There are many literature on the quality of pork animals of various breeds: Landrace, Durok, Great White and others. Scientists note that the best bacon and meat qualities are pigs of pores Landrace. However, scientific literature knows little about the way the sex and origin of animals affect the quality of meat and bacon in these pigs. Therefore, the purpose of our research was to study the slaughter, the qualities of bacon, the physico-chemical indicators of meat and fat females and castrated male species of landraces of two lines List and Brom. During the experiment, zootechnical, statistical, biometric, biochemical methods of research were used. Scientific research was carried out in the complex of fattening and slaughter of the shop of a private enterprise. During the experiment, it was found that the mass of pigs after slaughter, the mass of carcasses and the yield of carcasses of females and castrated males of both lines did not differ. However, the visceral fat content was higher in women by 1.24–8.98% than in men. The properties of the pigs of both sexes were the same. However, in the male line of Brom, the width of the rear half of the carcass was 15% higher than that of women. The assessment of the quality of meat showed that females on both lines dominated by males for the content of fat, marble and calories. It has been experimentally established that the quality parameters of adipose tissue of Landrace have sex differences in the lines List and Brom. It was established that the water content in adipose tissue in women was lower in comparison with men by 0.5–2.35%, the fat was higher than 0.37–3.25%, the iodine number was 3.43–3.68 units. Our research can be recommended to companies that specialize in pig breeding. If a company breeds animals for processing into bacon or smoked, it is advisable to grow a breed from the Brom line. In this case, the best ham can be obtained from castrated males, and juicy, tender meat and more fatty tissue – in females.

Authors and Affiliations

T. V. Shevchuk


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  • EP ID EP592981
  • DOI 10.32718/nvlvet-a9003
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How To Cite

T. V. Shevchuk (2019). Quality of meat and bacon of signs of swine breeds of landrace of different status and genotype. Науковий вісник Львівського національного університету ветеринарної медицини та біотехнологій імені С.З. Гжицького, 21(90), 14-20. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-592981