Quantification Of Some Antioxidant Compounds In Raw Sweet Potato By Spectrophotometric Method
Journal Title: International Journal of engineering Research and Applications - Year 2018, Vol 8, Issue 4
The Objective Of This Study Was To Estimate The Level Of Some Antioxidant Compounds (Total Carotenoids Content, Total Vitamin C Content) In Several Sweet Potato Korean Varieties, Cultivated At Research And Development Center For Plant Growing On Sands Dabuleni. Spectrophotometry Analysis Were Used To Identifying And Comparing Carotenoids Content Quantitatively And Qualitatively In Orange, Yellow And White Sweet Potatoes Flesh Tuber. Vitamin C (A Spectrophotometric Method, L Ascorbic Acid Test Kit, Megazyme, Bioreba) Was Determined On Fresh Tissues. The Results Of This Study Showed That The Highest Total Carotenoid Content Was In Orange Sweet Potato Followed By Yellow And White Sweet Potato. Carotenoids Were Found In All Samples Of Sweet Potato Ranging From 11.50±3.482 Mg/100g DW In White Sweet Potato To 34.94±2.461 Mg/100g DW In Orange Sweet Potato. The Highest Level Of L Ascorbic Acid Total Content Had The Samples From The KSP1 Variety (25.3±2.080 Mg/100g FW). Another Cultivar That Had High Values Of Vitamin C Content (20.7±1.539 Mg/100g FW) Was Juhwangmi. Total Carotenoids And Vitamin C Content Vary Between The Flesh Tissues Of These Sweet Potato Varieties. The Results From This Study Could Be Useful For The Pharmaceutical, Food And Cosmetic Industries Market. Keywords - Antioxidant Activity, Carotenoids, Spectrophotometry, Sweet Potato, Vitamin C
Authors and Affiliations
Cioloca Mihaela, Badarau Carmen, Tican Andreea, Popa Monica, Diaconu Aurelia, Draghici Reta
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