Questioning the Readiness of Local Residents in Managing Community-Based Tourism? A Case in Pulisan Village, North Minahasa Regency, Indonesia


Community based tourism is a tourism management concept where the local community as the owner of tourism potential, is involved in tourism management. It requires a strong commitment from the community to be directly involved in it. Pulisan is the name of the village in Likupang which is the centre of the development of the Special Economic Zone for tourism. In the last five years it has received tourism development assistance ranging from physical infrastructure to hospitality skills training. However, from several observations in the field, it was found that the reactivity of the community in implementing the various benefits that had been distributed to the community was in-effective. The purpose of this study is to examine the readiness of local communities in managing community-based tourism. Descriptive research is the approach to solve this case. Then the data collection technique through a survey of 81 respondents who live in that village. While the analytical tool used is a Likert scale. The results found that for the three main indicators, namely attractions, amenity and accessibility, the average respondent's answer was willing, while for the supporting components, respondents were still undecided.

Authors and Affiliations

Bernadain Dainty Polii, Margresye Diana Rompas, Deisy Christina Andih, Jeanlly Adri Solang, Alma Karangan Pongtuluran, Frans Victor Rattu


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  • EP ID EP737121
  • DOI 10.58806/ijsshmr.2024.v3i6n03
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How To Cite

Bernadain Dainty Polii, Margresye Diana Rompas, Deisy Christina Andih, Jeanlly Adri Solang, Alma Karangan Pongtuluran, Frans Victor Rattu (2024). Questioning the Readiness of Local Residents in Managing Community-Based Tourism? A Case in Pulisan Village, North Minahasa Regency, Indonesia. International Journal of Social Science Humanity & Management Research, 3(6), -.