Questions of application of a fine and correctional labor for crimes against the safety of manufacture (section X of the Special Part of the Criminal Code of Ukraine)

Journal Title: ПИТАННЯ БОРОТЬБИ ЗІ ЗЛОЧИННІСТЮ - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 31


The article deals with the application of fine and correctional labor for crimes against the safety of manufacture. The court practice of imposition of punishment for crimes provided for Articles 271–275 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine has been studied. The authors established that the state policy in the sphere of crimes against the safety of manufacture has both negative attributes in the law enforcement practice and reserves on rising of its effectiveness and legislative supplying. The most of the focus in the article is on fine and correctional labor. It was underlined in the article that imposition of fine for crimes against the safety of manufacture is more commendable than other alternative penalties, provided for by a sanction of an article of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, especially when it is a deprivation of freedom for determined period. The weaknesses of the imposition of this type of criminal penalty have been also determined. The most typical from them is a denotation by courts in sentences amount of fine without simultaneous description of its in basic income amounts. The authors furthermore paid attention on the applicability of the extension of the imposition of fine as an additional punishment, particular for negligent crimes. The practice of imposition of correctional labor has been analyzed. As result of it, the authors concluded, that courts doesn’t apply this type of criminal penalty often, including forcrimes against the safety of manufacture. It underlined in the article, that correctional labor are an effective criminal offender’s cure, because of his labor nurturing. Besides, imposition of correctional labor provides an opportunity to enterprise’s uninterrupted functioning. As a result of this scientific research the authors proposed to improve the current criminal legislation of Ukraine by introduction of amendments to the part 3 of Article 53 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Also the recommendations for the Plenum of the High Specialized Court of Ukraine for Civil and Criminal Cases have been offered.

Authors and Affiliations

V. I. Borisov, G. S. Kraynik


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How To Cite

V. I. Borisov, G. S. Kraynik (2016). Questions of application of a fine and correctional labor for crimes against the safety of manufacture (section X of the Special Part of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). ПИТАННЯ БОРОТЬБИ ЗІ ЗЛОЧИННІСТЮ, 1(31), 69-83.