Rancang Bangun Cloud Computing Di Laboratorium Komputer Teknik Elektro Universitas Bangka Belitung
Journal Title: Jurnal Ecotipe (Electronic, Control, Telecommunication, Information, and Power Engineering) - Year 2014, Vol 1, Issue 1
Cloud computing is became one of interest topic to discuss because the growth of cloud computing that so quick since been introduction in 2000. The using of cloud computing is more to data storage, sharing software and using infrastructure and hardware to network or computer that join in one cloud computing. With cloud computing it expected to reach efficient and easiness of resources software, data hardware that can be used together. Design of cloud computing for computer laboratory Electrical Engineering at Bangka Belitung University is purpose to basic design for development computer laboratory Electrical Engineering and as center of study and research of cloud computing for Electrical Engineering students. Design of cloud computing is using Software as a Service (SaaS) method where SaaS is one of cloud computing service where using software has been served so every computer in laboratory don’t have to install software as long is needed and available in cloud computing service. Design cloud computing in laboratory using Private Cloud Computing that the model of cloud computing that can give a little space of the service to special user as example to a local network in small or medium company.
Authors and Affiliations
Ghiri Basuki Putra
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