Random integral guiding functions with application to random differential complementarity systems


By applying the random topological degree we develop the methods of random smooth and nonsmooth integral guiding functions and use them for the study of random differential inclusions in finite dimensional spaces. Some existence theorems of random periodic solutions are presented. It is shown how the abstract results can be applied to study the random differential complementarity systems arising, in particular, from random survival models.

Authors and Affiliations

Nguyen Van Loi, Tran Dinh Ke, Mai Quoc Vu, Valeri Obukhovskii


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  • EP ID EP484057
  • DOI 10.7151/dmdico.1204
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How To Cite

Nguyen Van Loi, Tran Dinh Ke, Mai Quoc Vu, Valeri Obukhovskii (2018). Random integral guiding functions with application to random differential complementarity systems. Discussiones Mathematicae Differential Inclusions Control and Optimization, 38(1), 113-132. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-484057