Readiness of Various Occupational Categories to Financial and Economic Activity: Experience Analysis


The training of professionals from various occupational categories has been in the fo- cus of attention in academic environment. One of the obvious trends in this process is the use of innovative class and out-class teaching technologies: trainings, interactive types of learn- ing, the use of business games in the teaching process, application of an individual approach to each person, etc. During business games the students acquire the ability to analyze and evaluate financial and economic activities, acquire and develop practical skills, give the opportunity to identify their leadership qualities, develop the ability to make the right decisions in the process of interaction with other participants and promote faster mastering of information relevant for future professional activities. An important condition for the formation of the necessary value systems in the professions of economic profile is the maximum symmetry between the reality in the labor market and the content of the teaching material provided by teachers. Therefore, it is useful to introduce such practical and laboratory classes, which would be closer to the reality of the professional activity, stimulate students’ motivation for training and shape their professional orientation. Obviously, it is of utmost importance in the field of motivation at the initial stage as it contributes to the creation of an important inertial dominant. This dominant will provide the necessary energy for self-actualization within the profession of future economists. The article presents a comparative analysis of the average monthly salary of specialists by types of their economic activity in Ukraine and teachers in different countries. As a result we come to a disappointing conclusion that salaries and social benefits of school and university teachers are significantly lagging behind not only compared to European and world standards but also the average standards of payment in the industrial sector. Therefore, unfortunately, there is an increase in the emigration flows of professionals in those areas where payment does not correspond to the expenses of individuals for education, emotional and daily physical efforts, etc.

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How To Cite

Ю. А. КУЗЬМЕНКО (2018). Readiness of Various Occupational Categories to Financial and Economic Activity: Experience Analysis. Педагогіка формування творчої особистості у вищій і загальноосвітній школах, 58(), 504-514.