Real Time Monitoring of Human Body Vital Signs using Bluetooth and WLAN


The technology of telemedicine is emerging and advancing day by day, it is capable of taking the field of healthcare to a whole new level of personalization. A person can keep a close check on his/her health's critical signs and can receive suitable feedback if required,- to help maintain the best of health status with the help of Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) concept. The sensor nodes can wirelessly communicate with any smart phone through an Android application to continuously monitor and have complete access to the medical data of the patient. Moreover it also aims to maintain an efficient electronic medical record of the person. Moreover, the consultant and the caretaker of the patient can have this important information remotely through an internet connection and provide with significant advice which encapsulates the term -smart first aid technology. In the proposed framework miniaturized sensors are worn on the body and non-intrusively monitor a person’s physiological state. The body vital signs (e.g.: heart rate, temperature etc.) are recorded through the sensor nodes and transmit to the smart phone via Bluetooth, where the data of vital signs is stored and will further transmitted to remote locations if needed.

Authors and Affiliations

Najeed Khan, M. Sawand, Marium Hai, Arwa Khuzema, Mehak Tariq


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  • EP ID EP128706
  • DOI 10.14569/IJACSA.2016.071028
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How To Cite

Najeed Khan, M. Sawand, Marium Hai, Arwa Khuzema, Mehak Tariq (2016). Real Time Monitoring of Human Body Vital Signs using Bluetooth and WLAN. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications, 7(10), 210-216.