Realizacja programu przygotowania i uruchomienia przewozów kolejami dużych prędkości
Journal Title: Technika Transportu Szynowego - Year 2017, Vol 279, Issue 6
In the article a project genesis having its beginning in 90s of last age and discussed legal basis of the investment implementation within the TEN-T network was described. Subsequently the program’s material scope concerning the structure of the new line from Warsaw to Poznań and Gdańsk, its international connections with Prague and Berlin and the set of complementary action was analyzed. In 2009-2015 essential studies and analyses aimed at preparing the line’s structure were performed. They were financed partly from the foreign aid budget of the European Union. They confirmed the legitimacy of made assumptions aimed at a construction of effective high speed railway system in Poland. Localisation of the lines were planned, environmental reports were drawn up and an essential cost-benefit analysis were carried out. In this way the project preparation stage was finished. The next stage should in current financial perspectives include the further preparatory works. For this purpose EU funds from the CEF financial instrument may be used.
Authors and Affiliations
Agata Pomykała
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