Journal Title: Nowoczesne systemy zarządzania - Year 2015, Vol 10, Issue 1
In this paper the current situation of the management 2.0 concept is analyzed. e keytenets of this concept are being considered and shortly de#ned. e main purpose and question isthe matter of forming the fundamentals of „management 2.0” in the context of current problems inmanagement practice. „e management 2.0” is being treated as an innovative concept of management,created mainly (but not solely) as a response to the development of IT technologies, especiallythe 2.0 Internet version. How adequate is this concept today? Does it exist in management practice?Studies of the literature on the matter, including the recent statements given by the concept creatorsespecially Gary Hamel’s, leads to the conclusion that the term „Management 2.0” is rarely being said, this term is not yet replaced by the idea of „Management 3.0”, which hasn’t beencreated, or by any other versions marked with respect to the popular classi#cation of internet programsevolution. Does this mean that the concept has ceased to exist? Or maybe it did not becomepopular enough? Have there been new concepts created which took the place of „the new newestthing” on the market of management in theory and practice? One thing is without a doubt – this isa very pro#table market, with a high level of competitive struggle and pressure on new „products”(Micklethwait, Wooldridge, 1996). According to Wall Street Journal, Gary Hamel is ranked todayas #1 in%uential business thinker. at is why this paper is based mostly on his last published books,blogs and interviews.Especially so called „moonshots” are considered, because they seems to be fundamentals of management2.0. − G. Hamel presents them in that manner. Generally speaking, it may be interestingand attractive idea of reconstructing the fundamentals of management, more adequate to the digitaleconomy conditions.
Authors and Affiliations
Marek Świątkowski
Meandry ekonomii eksperymentalnej, czyli o potencjale i specyfice metody eksperymentu naukowego w naukach ekonomicznych - recenzja książki pod redakcją Michała Krawczyka pt. Ekonomia eksperymentalna
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