Reconstruction of the Iarynx after a resection of a huge chondrosarcoma
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2011, Vol 65, Issue 6
SUMMARY Chondrosarcoma of the larynx is a rare condition of still unknown pathogenesis. This tumor occurs usually between the sixth and seventh decade of life. Forty five years old patient was admitted to the ENT Department in Zabrze for a diagnosis of a slow growing tumor from about 3 years. The great unmovable tumor 2.5cm/3cm/3cm was arising from the cricoid cartilage. The hist-pat result of the biopsy was cartilage. The patient did not agree on the proposed surgical treatment. After one year, in the MRI examination, the tumor sized 46mm/37mm/39mm was found. The patient was again qualified for the operation and agreed for the proposed treatment. In general anesthesia, the tumor together with the part of trachea, cricoids and thyroid cartilages was resected. After excision the reconstruction was performed. During 10 months of the follow-up the patient remains free of the disease
Authors and Affiliations
Eugeniusz Czecior, Wojciech Ścierski, Maciej Misiołek, Paweł Sowa, Grzegorz Namysłowski
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