Typical surgical reconstruction for nose and paranasal sinuses oncology
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2008, Vol 62, Issue 4
The main problem for nose and paranasal sinuses oncology is not the high incidence but the poor oncological and functional results of the treatment. Aim. The aim of the work was presentation the patients and reconstruction methods after oncological ablation of nose and paranasal sinuses area. Material and method. The study wa carried out on 14 patients treated in Department of Otolaryngology of The Military Clinical Hospital in Krakow. The patients were divided into groups considering size and localization of the tumor. Results. All the patients are in observation without recurrence untill now. Cosmetic and functional results are satisfed. The main problem is total reconstruction of the nose where the cosmetic results are not satisfi ed. Conclusions. The main diffi culty is the total and near total reconstruction of the nose especially if it is necessary to reconstruct all nasal structures. From quality of life point of view the cooperation with dental prosthetic doctor is obligated for maxillectomy.
Authors and Affiliations
Paweł Cenda, Maciej Sokoła, Elżbieta Nazim-Zygadło, Andrzej Kozok
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