Recycling the old military press. The factional struggle in Tucumán and its staging in proclamations, manifestos and different printed papers. From 1820 to 1821

Journal Title: Revista de Estudios Marítimos y Sociales - Year 2015, Vol 7, Issue 12


In the 1820s, and on a scenario of interim autonomy open as a new collapse of the central government, the province of Tucumán began a troubled period marked by political instability and frequency of crossings between different factions of the local elite. However, far from the old historiography that presented this period as a period of anarchy, the 1820s meant to Tucumán a dynamic political laboratory where beyond the frequent disputes over the access to the government, appeared areas of relative stability such as the local legislature. In addition, between 1820 and 1821, the governors of Tucumán appropriated the old printing press used by General Manuel Belgrano, and through its ownership it began a circulation of proclamations and manifestos that allowed legitimize the triumphant faction. Based on the incorporation of printing, also appeared the first provincial newspapers.

Authors and Affiliations

Facundo Nanni


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How To Cite

Facundo Nanni (2015). Recycling the old military press. The factional struggle in Tucumán and its staging in proclamations, manifestos and different printed papers. From 1820 to 1821. Revista de Estudios Marítimos y Sociales, 7(12), -.