Редуплікати в сучасній українській мові: структура, семантика, функція
Journal Title: Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue
The article deals with the structural, semantic, and functional features of reduplicated words in literary discourse. Reduplicated manifestations are implemented in diff erent lexical and grammatical forms in the following versions: diversity, similarity, expressiveness, strengthening the quality of the signs or the features of other signs depicting the intensity, frequency and duration, and the plurality of processes. In the modern Ukrainian language reduplicated words often consist of two components and are created in the following models: 1) a complete redo of a duplicated word and a duplicator: Subs1-Subs1, Adjec1- Adjec1, Numer1-Numer1, Pron1-Pron1, Verb fi nitum1-Verb fi nitum1, Adv1 -Adv1, Inter1- Inter1; 2) divergent repetition: Adjec1-pref (pre-) Adjec1, Adjec1-Adjec2 suf (-isink-), Pron1-Pron2 suf (-isink-), Adv1-part (non)-Adv1, Adv1-part (non)-Adv1, Adv1-pref (pre-) Adv1. Tripled reduplicate of multiplicative verbs (Verb fi nitum1-Verb fi nitum1-Verb fi nitum1) and the adverbs of qualitative semantics (Adv1-Adv1-Adv1) are functioning in the Ukrainian language sporadically.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Tatiana Nikolashyna
Гелитович Марія, Українські ікони ХІІ-початку ХVI століть зі збірки Національного музею у Львові імені Андрея Шептицького, дизайн, макетування та репродукції Остап Лозинський, Київ 2014, 348 с.
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