The article refers to the work of Ukrainian researchers devoted to expressionism, such
as O. Chernenko, M. Moklytsi, A. Biloi, O. Osmak, G. Yastrubetskoyi and others. It
defi nes the main directions of research and chara...
The article raises the issue of the existence of Ukrainian poetic/lyric dramaturgy. Based
on the example of the analysis of lyric-intimate symbolist dramaturgical sketches by
O. Oles’, it is proved that the characteristi...
In the paper the pros and cons of expressing an author’s personality in academic style
have been analyzed. The idea that extremely depersonalized academic texts incur considerable
stylistic losses has been defended. The...
EP ID EP246443
Views 57
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How To Cite
Magdalena Jeż (2015). С. Булик-Верхола, Г. Наконечна, Ю. Теглівець, Основи термінознавства:
навчальний посібник. Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia, 3(),
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Дослідження експресіонізму в сучасному українському літературознавстві
The article refers to the work of Ukrainian researchers devoted to expressionism, such as O. Chernenko, M. Moklytsi, A. Biloi, O. Osmak, G. Yastrubetskoyi and others. It defi nes the main directions of research and chara...
Драматичні етюди Олександра Олеся: символізм і театральність
The article raises the issue of the existence of Ukrainian poetic/lyric dramaturgy. Based on the example of the analysis of lyric-intimate symbolist dramaturgical sketches by O. Oles’, it is proved that the characteristi...
Delura S., Drobiszewska U., Kononenko I., Mytnik I., Romaniuk S., Saniewska M., Wasiak E., Zambrzycka M., Z ukraińskim na Ty. Podręcznik do nauki języka ukraińskiego. Poziom średniozaawansowany, cz. 1, Warszawa 2013, 205 s.; Delura S., Jeż M., Kononenko I., Mytnik I., Romaniuk S., Samadowa A., Saniewska M., Wasiak E., Zambrzycka M., Z ukraińskim na Ty. Podręcznik do nauki języka ukraińskiego. Pozi
Profesor Michał Łesiów (1928-2016)
До проблеми авторської індивідуальності в науковому стилі
In the paper the pros and cons of expressing an author’s personality in academic style have been analyzed. The idea that extremely depersonalized academic texts incur considerable stylistic losses has been defended. The...