The subject of the article is history in the prose of Valery Shevchuk. History in
Shevchuk’s novels is associated with such categories as freedom, historical memory and
national consciousness. Valery Shevchuk creates a p...
An overview of play scripts with a Ukrainian component from the repertoire of the
Polish Theatre in Lviv in the fi rst half of the 19th century was conducted for the fi rst time
in Ukrainian theatre studies. The content...
The article raises the issue of the existence of Ukrainian poetic/lyric dramaturgy. Based
on the example of the analysis of lyric-intimate symbolist dramaturgical sketches by
O. Oles’, it is proved that the characteristi...
The article deals with the problem of the appearance in the pluperfect of semantic
forms for uncompleted past situations. The study involves the analysis of situations in
which the process of developing the action, expre...
Albert Nowacki, Dagmara Nowacka (2017). Profesor Michał Łesiów (1928-2016). Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia, 5(),
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Motywy historyczne w prozie Wałerija Szewczuka. Tradycja ukraińskiego baroku
The subject of the article is history in the prose of Valery Shevchuk. History in Shevchuk’s novels is associated with such categories as freedom, historical memory and national consciousness. Valery Shevchuk creates a p...
Дискурс України у просторі польського театру (на прикладі репертуару польської сцени у Львові першої половини ХІХ ст.)
An overview of play scripts with a Ukrainian component from the repertoire of the Polish Theatre in Lviv in the fi rst half of the 19th century was conducted for the fi rst time in Ukrainian theatre studies. The content...
Драматичні етюди Олександра Олеся: символізм і театральність
The article raises the issue of the existence of Ukrainian poetic/lyric dramaturgy. Based on the example of the analysis of lyric-intimate symbolist dramaturgical sketches by O. Oles’, it is proved that the characteristi...
Давноминулий час із семантикою незавершеної ситуації
The article deals with the problem of the appearance in the pluperfect of semantic forms for uncompleted past situations. The study involves the analysis of situations in which the process of developing the action, expre...
Współczesne terminoznawstwo ukraińskie (głos w związku z konferencją „Ukraińska terminologia i współczesność” oraz posiedzeniem Komisji Terminologicznej przy MKS)