Refutation of the Myth about the October Revolution in the Perestroika Period (According to the Materials of the «Ogonek» magazine)
Journal Title: Eminak - Year 2017, Vol 2, Issue 2
The object of the study is a historical narrative about the October Revolution presented in «Ogonek» magazine. Interpretation features of the October Revolution theme on the magazines’ pages for 1986-1990 years are discussed in the paper. The complex analysis of the «Ogonek» magazine publications on this issue is carried out. New trends in the interpretation of the October Revolution are reflected taking into account the realities of the glasnost and perestroika. Specific attention is given to 1987 when the 70th anniversary of the revolution was celebrated. Those days, the October Revolution was used by the authorities headed by M.S. Gorbachev as a symbolic legitimization of perestroika. An active use of the revolutionary discourse promoted to the radicalization of the society calling for more active changes and often rejection of the Soviet values. The author tracks the transformation of the October Revolution picture in the Soviet press and in the collective historical memory. The prerevolutionary Russian mythology changed one based on the October Revolution. This indicates a loss of the revolution myth and its value status that bring a significant impact on the Soviet Union, which historical legitimacy was based on the October Revolution myth. The influence of the «Ogonek» magazine publication on the formation of new ideas about the history an changes in the readers’ public mind is characterized.
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Kayuk
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