
У статті розглянуто підходи до визначення поняття регіонального лідера у роботах зарубіжних та українських дослідників. Визначено основні характерні риси, які дають можливість набуття статусу регіонального лідера. Проаналізовано вплив ролі регіонального лідерства на розвиток глобальної політичної системи. The modern world order cannot be imagined without processes of globalization, integration and regionalization. These factors form the basis for the development of modern international relations in the 21st century, which also directly influences to the formation of the external course of world actors. The transformation of the world political system into multipolar ones has become a new stage in the development of modern international relations. New players appear in the world arena in the form of regional leaders. These countries are characterized with economic, cultural, political, and military peculiarities among the other countries of the region. It allows spreading its influence on other states of the region through economic integration, cultural homogeneity, common political values, and so on. Thus, the study of regional leadership at the present stage is a topical issue. The definition of a “regional state" is identical with the notion of "regional leader", which is the center of a regional system due to economic, political and military-strategic parameters. India, Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, Brazil, China can be attributed to the countries that hold the policy of a regional leader. However, the status of a regional state should not be a reason to restrict the national interests of other countries of the region. As the center of power in the region, the state should pursue a policy aimed at involving all states in the common integration processes in the region in order to achieve the greatest effectiveness in co-operation and resolving disputes.

Authors and Affiliations

Наталія Пашина, Ганна Владиславівна Пелих


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How To Cite

Наталія Пашина, Ганна Владиславівна Пелих (2018). РЕГІОНАЛЬНЕ ЛІДЕРСТВО ЯК СТАБІЛІЗУЮЧИЙ ФАКТОР СУЧАСНИХ МІЖНАРОДНИХ ВІДНОСИН. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія, 8(21), 212-217. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-545879