Regulations in energy sector and new investments into generation
Journal Title: Zarządzanie i Finanse - Year 2014, Vol 12, Issue 3
The aim of article is the indication how an uncertain situation related to supportive systems of energy influence the estimation of the efficiency of new investment intomore ecological andmore effectiveness plantwhich generates electricity and heat together (called co-generation) and also the comparison of investment efficiency into new energy generator depending on the different systems of its support. In the article there are described general reasons for the introduction of regulation into economies. In this context, selected regulations which influence investment process into co-generation energy plant were characterized. Special attention was focused on regulation risk which is the result of unfinished process of legislation related to energy sector and competitiveness conditions on the local heat market in the context of the support for the development of the preferred energy sources („green energy”). Also there are presented the following items: certificate system in Poland, the TPA, emission trading system and the system of FIT. Next, there was described potential investment and its forecasting assumptions addressed to three variants of regulations related to the support for electricity production from gas. There were analysed the following options: no support for new investments, there will be the support system like ‘yellow certificates’, there will be the support system like FIT. For each of them it was analyse two options: for higher and lower price of heat. Basing on the results of the analysis the best solution for regulation, from an investor’s point of view, was chosen and there were identified potential threats.
Authors and Affiliations
Edyta Ropuszyńska-Surma, Zdzisław Szalbierz
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