Регулювання міжнародного руху людських ресурсів України в умовах глобальної інтелектуалізації

Journal Title: European Journal of Management Issues - Year 2016, Vol 24, Issue 7


Under conditions of global intellectualization of technology, information–communication and transport infrastructures are closely connected to the utilization of intellectual and creative capabilities of human resources. It is an appropriate and relevant question to address the optimization in regulating the international movement of human resources and to define economic instruments to stimulate the development of intellectual resource of Ukraine. The goal of present work is a theoretical substantiation of recommendations concerning the regulation of international movement of human resources in Ukraine and economic instruments for the development of intellectual resource of the state under conditions of global intellectualization. In the research, we applied general scientific and special research methods: induction, deduction, method of imaginary experiment and substantiation, theoretical generalization. A conclusion was drawn on that the strategic direction of economic policy in the development of intellectual resource in Ukraine should be a state-led regulation of international movement of human resources in all their forms, namely, migration, tourism, transit-professional relocations and virtual international movement. Development of intellectual resources of Ukraine depends on economic instruments, among which we consider it appropriate to highlight: state monitoring over the processes in international movement, intellectual property protection, motivation of development of domestic human resources, the intensification of international cooperation, promotion of intellectual immigration and re-emigration. The scientific novelty of present research is the substantiation of recommendations related to the regulation of international movement of human resources and the determination of basic tools for development of intellectual resource in Ukraine. A practical value of the research consists in the fact that the results obtained might be used by state bodies to improve effectiveness of the legal base and protection of intellectual resources of Ukraine at the national and local levels. In future, further research can be directed towards the conceptualization of state economic policy in the regulation of international movement of human resources of Ukraine; to study experience of the world leading countries on retaining intellectual resource.

Authors and Affiliations

Alla Samoilenko


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  • EP ID EP192184
  • DOI 10.15421/191628
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How To Cite

Alla Samoilenko (2016). Регулювання міжнародного руху людських ресурсів України в умовах глобальної інтелектуалізації. European Journal of Management Issues, 24(7), 250-257. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-192184